ᴀʟʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ.
"are you going to prom?"
"yeah! there is an 80s prom next weekend?"
"i didnt even know that was happening"
"oh. i was gonna see if you wanted to go with me, ha."
"i could! i dont have anything happening so it would be fun"

It was just a simple exchange of words, instigated by her. She hadn't thought much of it, but it had changed everything about that night. Made her excited to actually go. He'd shown up, in the most ridiculously cliche 80s suit one could imagine, which had instantly brought a smile to her face. The night itself had ended up a rollercoaster. Her ex had made an appearance, which she hadn't cared about. She'd just done her best to steer clear. The end of the night had come to a blow, regardless, with him and his sister coming for her. Confrontation was never Button's strong suit, especially when she was being tag-teamed. But it was the end she'd needed. The final straw, broken in two. Severed completely. And on a night which easily could have ended with her in tears, all she could think of as she crawled into her bed that night was the crooked smile under those mismatched eyes. So she'd pulled out her phone.

"you still up?"
"hi. thank you for the night."
"thank you! it was fun, a lot of fun. should do it again"
"yeah? should we? hey... was it... a date?"
"i think so. i would have liked it to be? if you do and if not thats cool."
"me too. you just made me smile again, thank you."
"it made me smile as well. i was really wondering and nervous so im glad one of us has a spine!? so maybe i can do this a bit better? do you want to go on a date with me?"

And it was just like that, all in the course of a single evening, one thing ended and another began. All with a dance.